Lecture by Grandmaster Peter Wells

Grandmaster Peter Wells
Grandmaster Peter Wells
Our friends at Witney Chess Club are hosting a lecture with Grandmaster Peter Wells next Monday night (11th March 2013).

The event, which starts at 7:30pm, sounds like a great opportunity to hear from one of England’s very best chess players and maybe even pick up some tips to improve your own play!

The lecture will be held at Ducklington Village Hall in Standlake Road, Ducklington.

More details about the event, and how to pre-book your place, can be found on Witney Chess Club’s website.

We expect any Cumnor Chess Club players who attend the event to come back with renewed vigour, and at least an extra 30 points added to their ECF grade..

Published by

Graham Cluley

When he's not playing chess rather poorly for Cumnor Chess Club, Graham is normally talking a lot about computer security on his blog, or insisting people listen to his podcast. You can follow him on Twitter at @gcluley.

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