Playing for Oxfordshire!

Berkshire Vs Oxfordshire Result U150

Wellington College (built as a national monument to the Duke of Wellington) had the honor of hosting the match.
Wellington College (built as a national monument to the Duke of Wellington) had the honor of hosting the match.
On 17th January our under grade 150 team won their Chiltern League match against Berkshire at Wellington College by 12 games to 4.

Two Cumnor players took part for Oxfordshire, Gareth Stevens who drew his game and Liam Glenn who got a win.

The team have won all three of their matches so far this season, but still have the return match against Buckinghamshire and the two matches against Hampshire to come.

Ray Cordon’s write up and the complete result can be found here.

Published by

Liam Glenn

Liam has been coming to Cumnor Chess Club for a very long time. His interests include Chess, Oxford United, Chess and Chess. He shows you can be handsome and good at Chess.

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