Football’s coming home…

With England playing on Thursday (28th June) against Belgium the club will be closed, we have taken this decision because England will be winning the World Cup this year and we want to watch the historic win against Belgians… well maybe.

There is some chess tonight at the Cowley Blitz, it will as usual be a five-round Swiss event with each round consisting of two games with alternating colours against the opponent. For full details of the event and how to enter see the link below.


Corection to earlier notice: We had also been expecting to host the OCA Prizegiving for this season, but unfortunately it has not proved possible to get the winners’ trophies engraved in time.

So we won’t be receiving the Frank Wood Shield tonight!

Hopefully see you there.

Published by

Liam Glenn

Liam has been coming to Cumnor Chess Club for a very long time. His interests include Chess, Oxford United, Chess and Chess. He shows you can be handsome and good at Chess.

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