Welcome Back!!!

We are pleased to announce that the Club Nights will return on Thursday the 9th September 2021.

Its been a long time since we played an over the board game in the Old School House and talking to the regulars everyone is really looking forward to it.

The 2021-22 season will start in earnest at the end of September. This season there will only be three divisions instead of the usual four. Cumnor 1 will play in Division 1 and Cumnor 2 in Division 3.

If you have taken up Chess during the lockdown or watched the highly successful Queens Gambit on Netflix please come along. We have a friendly club and the first night is free so you have nothing to lose!

All the information for old and new members can be found in the About and New Members Section pages.

Published by

Liam Glenn

Liam has been coming to Cumnor Chess Club for a very long time. His interests include Chess, Oxford United, Chess and Chess. He shows you can be handsome and good at Chess.

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