I’m pleased to say that we’re running the Witney Online Rapidplay again this year. Details below:
Date: Sunday 19 September.
Sections: Open, Junior Major, Junior Minor.
Entry fee: £5.00 for ECF members/supporters.
Trophies: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, best performance prize in each section.
No of rounds: Six.
Round times: 10:00am, 11:30am, 1:00pm, 2:30 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:30 pm.
Time controls: 20 mins + 10 sec increment Open and Junior Major, 10 mins +5 sec increment Junior Minor.
Tie-breaks: sum of progressive scores followed by sum of opponents’ scores.
Rating: Games will be ECF online rated.
Online platform: Lichess.
You can find the entry form here: https://form.jotform.com/212421176513345, and information about the day here: http://www.witneychess.co.uk/witneyrapid21_information.htm. There’s other useful information like playing online games on Lichess, fair play guidelines, terms and conditions etc on the Witney Chess Club website: http://www.witneychess.co.uk/index.htm.
Do please support us if you can!
Kind regards
Mike Truran