Ray Starkie Best Game Prize

Did you mark the return to over the board chess with your own brilliancy? If so please consider submitting your game from either the ODCL, Frank Wood Shield or Oxfordshire county match for the Ray Starkie Best Game Prize!

Entries can be made by submitting games to me to be passed on to Matt Rose, who has kindly agreed to judge again this year, and will initially close on 7th May with a final deadline of midnight 14th May for games played after the initial deadline.

Ray Starkie Prize for the Best Game During the Season

You have only until Easter Monday to submit your best game of the season!

Well we’re coming to the end of season like no other and that means it’s time for the Award Ceremony. Lacking our usual structure what we can give out is limited, but we will hand out the Lester Millin trophy to the best junior, and we also intend to award the Ray Starkie trophy for the best game played in the two Mike Duck tournaments.

With regard to the latter Matt Rose has again kindly agreed to act as judge. So get your amazing brilliancies and subtle positional masterpieces to Roger Thetford via email in pgn format – You can contact Roger with the contacts link which you can find on the left hand side of the page, or via the link below. The deadline for submission is 5th April (Easter Monday), and the winner will be announced at the May committee meeting.

Link: https://www.oxfordfusion.com/oca/GetUser.cfm?EditItem=13

Ray Starkie Memorial Award

Please get your thinking caps on and if you think you played a brilliancy this season get your game entered.

“As some of you will be aware at the last OCA AGM it was decided that an annual best game award be instituted in Ray Starkie’s memory. This will be judged by Matt Rose, and games should be submitted by the May meeting – so if you have played any games which you are particularly proud of this season in OCA events (the League, The Frank Wood Shield and the Chiltern League) get them in!

The way to submit your game is to send it to Roger Thetford, the League Secretary, in PGN format – Please, please, please, no photos of score sheets! Roger’s email is available under the contacts tab on the OCA web site, and if you are unsure of what PGN format is please visit PGN editor where there is a nice on line utility which will help you create a PGN file. Click on the “2.Game moves” tab where you can play out your game, then click on “NEXT” to add the details about the players, and “NEXT” again and the PGN file is in the window. Simply cut and paste this into your email to Roger or (probably better) save it into a file and send it as an attachment.

Roger plans to put the submitted games on the web site, so hopefully we will soon all be dazzled by your collective brilliance!

Ian Bush 02/04/2019″